

Hi guys!

A bunch of people and I are organizing the #BTSReadAThon (BTS stands for Back To School :) ). It's happening August 22nd-28th and if you want to know more about it click HERE :)

So here's my overly ambitious and tentative TBR pile!

(1) Read a short book - Hold still by Nina LaCour
I don't know anything about this one but I recently bought it used and it's around 230 pages long and I saw some illustrations inside!

(2) Read a book with 400+ pages - The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
I've read the first book in that trilogy in SEPTEMBER and really liked it so I don't know why I haven't picked the next one right away... Procrastination, people, that's why.

(3) Read the 1st book in a series - Across the universe by Beth Revis
I have this for more than a year and I'm still so excited to read it!

(4) Read a book from the host recommendations list - The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
I heard incredible things about this one and it's also free as an ebook here.

(5) Read a book set in summer - Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
I just bought it and after loving Second Chance Summer and Amy & Roger's Epic Detour I have really high expectations for this one.

(6) Read a book that's been on your TBR over 6 months - The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Let's hope that this series is will be really gripping because I have no idea how I'm supposed to read that much in a week...

(7) Read 7 books - Cross my heart, hope to die by Sara Shepard
I'm currently rereading the first four books in the series so I'll probably read the 5th one during the readathon. But I don't know yet... I'm not even sure if I can read all the other books :P

If you have some free time that week, please join and participate! :) And also invite your friends - more people, more fun :D.
